Siirry pääsisältöön

Tervetuloa KAMKin kirjaston sivuille: In English

Library Opening Hours

Mon 9–17 (13.30–14.30)
Tue 9–16 (12.30–13.30)
Wed 10–17 (13.30–14.30)
Thu 9–16 (12.30–13.30)
Fri 9–15 (12.00–13.00)

Self-service hours are in brackets.

On Eves we close at 15.

Library is closed on staff day 2.4.2025.

During exceptional opening hours, see the janitor's information on the intra regarding the opening hours of the buildings and the use of access tags.

Contact us

email: amkkirjasto(at) 

tel. +358447157042  (on self-service hours only Whatsapp messages)

Library eCard in Tuudo

KAMK students can conveniently generate a Library Card for themselves through Tuudo by logging into Tuudo with their KamIT IDs and going to the Library tab.

In Tuudo you can renew your loans, track or cancel your reservations. Tuudo reminds you when your loans are approaching the due date and notifies you when your reservation can be picked up. In Tuudo you can also see the opening hours of the library.

 If Tuudo does not automatically generate a library card, please contact the library's customer service.

KAMK students and staff can loan a laptop to use in the Tieto 1 -building.

Thesis Related Information Seeking Guidance

Information Seeking for Thesis Writers

You can attend information seeking lectures at any point during your thesis writing process. General information seeking sessions discusses topics such as: 

  • information seeking from different sources
  • references and reference manager (Mendeley)
  • how to complete the mandatory library information retrieval assignment



Place: A Teams meeting

Scheduling: When work on the thesis commences and the topic is known. 

Sign up for a workshop by sending an email to kirjastonopetus(at) by 10 a.m. on the day of the workshop. 

You can also have a personal online tutoring session. 

How to complete the information seeking task? 

Thesis writer's guide

Find us also on

  • Kajaanin ammattikorkeakoulu
  • PL 52, Ketunpolku 1
  • 87101 KAJAANI
  • Saavutettavuusseloste