The Vancouver system, also known as the Vancouver reference style or author numbering system, is a citation style that uses in-text numbers that refer to numbered passages in the reference list. Hundreds of scientific journals use author-number systems. The Vancouver style was developed by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).
The model has been adapted to KAMK's needs. There are several nationally and internationally used ways of marking the reference. When you publish your text somewhere else, always check that you are using the practices of that publication, educational institution or department. References should be marked as accurately as possible so that the reader can find the original information if he wishes. The marking method according to the instructions must be used consistently throughout the work.
Can't find the answer you're looking for? Missing an example of the type of source you are using? Send an e-mail to the address below.
References consist of two parts: in-text citation and its counterpart in the reference list. In-Text citations are references to the reference list, from which the reader can see the exact information of the source materials. The reference tells the reader whose presented information it is about and when writing the text, one should clearly separate one's own thinking from the information obtained from the source material.
References are marked both directly in the citation and in the referenced quote. The in-text citation is placed in square brackets at the end of the referenced part, but it cannot extend beyond the paragraph boundary. Each quoted paragraph must therefore have an in-text citation, even if the same source is referred to in another paragraph on the same page. An in-text citation is also needed when referring to, for example, an oral communication, figure or table. Page numbers are added to the reference whenever possible.
The references are numbered in the reference list consecutively, i.e. in the order in which they appear in the text. If the author is an organization, its full name is indicated in the reference list. Image 1 shows an example of the structure of the reference list of the book according to the Vancouver style.
Image 1. An example of a reference list of a book using the Vancouver style.
The in-text citation is placed in square brackets at the end of the quoted passage, for example at the end of a sentence or paragraph. The in-text citation is marked at the end of both referenced and identical quotations. In the text, the sequence number of the source reference and the pages that have been used are marked in square brackets. If referring to the entire source, page numbers are not used. Electronic sources do not always have page numbers and then they are not mentioned.
Image 2. An example of a in-text citation using the Vancouver style.
Example 1: The device can only be installed in stores approved by the manufacturer [5].
Example 2: According to Virtanen [6, p. 16], Elo [7, p. 22] and Kuusla [8, p. 111], Spede Pasanen was an exceptional genius in Finnish entertainment.
Example 3: According to Saarinen, the new system is even more stable [9, p. 322].
Example 4: According to the Glossary of Technology, the resolution indicates how accurately the details of the image can be presented on the screen or in print. Image resolution is expressed, for example, in pixels per length. [10.]
Note the use of a period in different cases: If the period ending the sentence is after the reference (example 3), the reference applies to only one sentence. If the final period is before the reference and there is also a period inside the square brackets (example 4), then the whole of several sentences is referred to, typically the entire text.
If different pages of the same source are referred to in the same in-text citation, the pages are separated from each other with a comma. If the reference is to a larger, coherent section in the source, the pages are marked with the dash.
It is the duty of every researcher to comply with data protection legislation [1, p. 64, 73].
Autobiographical writing helps in structuring the present [2, p. 20–37].
If page numbers are not marked in the source (for example, some e-books), then refer to the chapter.
The contribution of other researchers should be considered and respected [1, chapter 2 Research ethics].
If the text is based on several different sources, the in-text citations are separated by a semicolon.
[1, p. 19; 2, p. 72–73.]
Long quotes (several lines) are separated by indentation
Mountains and waters — that's what Finland is all about! Hard gray stone is the foundation of the whole country. There is a deep, secret power in him; but it's no wonder, because the height is missing. The gray stone is covered under the surface of the ground, or in the form of long, shallow wave ridges across the ground. Only Maanselkä at the end of Pohja makes a deep impression through the majesty of the corner of its fells. [1, p. 12.]
Short direct quotations are enclosed in quotation marks.
According to Vilkka [2, p. 12], "the requirements of scientific research and working life strongly support each other and can therefore be combined."
The in-text citation can also be placed in connection with the name mentioned in the text.
If something is intentionally left out of a direct quote, mark the left-out part with two dashes.
Lamberg [3, p. 78] refers to "Matti Kuusi points out,, – – different views have condensed into sayings that contradict each other".
Books and e-books are entered in the reference list in the same way. If the e-book is missing page numbers, use the chapter number to indicate where the reference is taken. Changing page numbers provided by e-book reading programs are not used.
In the in-text citation, you should put the page numbers that you refer to in the work. If you broadly refer to the entire work or study, then the page number is not indicated. If page numbers are not indicated in the source, refer to the chapter number.
[1, p. 28–30]
Vilkka [1, p. 28–30]
A short dash – (en dash) is used between the number ranges, not hyphen -.
1. Vilkka H. 5th updated edition. Tutki ja kehitä. Jyväskylä: PS-Kustannus; 2021.
If you cannot find the publisher's information in the e-book, you can alternatively mark the path through which the e-book can be found.
2. Kortesuo K. Kaikenkattava sisällöntuotannon opas yrityksille: Tee teksti, kokoa kuva, puhu podcast. Kauppakamari; 2019.
Kortesuo K. Kaikenkattava sisällöntuotannon opas yrityksille: Tee teksti, kokoa kuva, puhu podcast. Kauppakamari; 2019. KAMK-Finna/Kauppakamaritieto.
If the work has appeared in a publication series, the name of the series is placed after the title of the work.
3. Lerkkanen M-K, Pakarinen E, Messala M, Penttinen V, Aulén A-M, Jõgi A-L. Opettaijen työhyvinvointi ja sen yhteys pedagogisen työn laatuun. Publications of the University of Jyväskylä's Department of Psychology 358. University of Jyväskylä; 2020. Available from:
In the reference list, the audiobook service and the year the recording was made are added in square brackets. There is no need to mark the page numbers, because they are usually not mentioned in the recordings.
1. Hirsjärvi S. Tutki ja kirjoita [audio]. Tammi;2007. [Celia audiobook service 2007].
The in-text citation consists of the sequence number of the source reference and the page numbers of the article.
[1, p. 144]
In the reference list, the name of the article is written after the author(s) of the article. Then name of the journal, year of publication; year (current year's issue of the journal), page numbers of the article and possible permanent address. You can always mark the article according to the printed version.
1. Aistrich A, Absetz P. Osallistavalla otteella nuoret kumppaneiksi terveyden edistämisen tutkimuksessa. Liikunta ja tiede 2013;50(6):8–15.
2. Wang C, Ren K, Lou W, Li J. Toward publicly auditable secure cloud data storage services. Network, IEEE 2010;24(4):19–24.
3. Ravelin T, Kylmä J, Korhonen T. Dance in Mental Health Nursing: a Hybrid Concept Analysis. Issues Ment Health Nurs 2006;27(3):307–317.
4. Teräs M, Toiviainen H. Kehittävä teema-analyysi kasvatustieteen tutkimusmenetelmänä. Aikuiskasvatus 2014;34(2):84–95,157.
5. Vilkka H, Ylöstalo H. Tarinoilla tasa-arvoon? Narratiivisten menetelmien mahdollisuuksia kriittisessä toimintatutkimuksessa. Aikuiskasvatus 2016;36(2), 99–108. Available from:
Note! The page numbers of the entire article are entered in the reference list.
Always check if there is a permanent address for the e-article or other online publication. The permanent address can be found, for example, in theses and several international articles. The web address is not activated.
You can always mark an article or other publication in the reference list according to the printed version.
Indicate the author(s) of the referenced article and the name of the article. After this, the editors of the work and the full name of the publication are indicated. Finally, the place of publication and publisher and the pages on which the article is located in the publication are marked. E-books are also marked with a possible (permanent) address or link path.
1. Meltzer PS, Kallioniemi A, Trent JM. Chromosome Alterations in human solid tumors. In: Vogelstein B, Kinzler KW, eds. The Genetic basis of human cancer. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2002. 93–113.
2. Ford HL, Sclafani RA, Degregori J. Cell cycle regulatory cascades. In: Stein GS, Pardee AB, eds. Cell cycle and growth control: Biomolecular regulation and cancer. Hoboken: Wiley-Liss; 2004. 42–67.
Article in edited e-book:
3. Jones NA, Gagnon CM. The Neurophysiology of empathy. In: Farrow TFD, Woodruff PWR, eds. Empathy in mental illness. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2007. [cited 2024 Seb 30]. Available from: Kamk.Finna/Ebook Central
For daily newspapers, the page number is indicated in the in-text citation of the text in addition to the sequence number of the reference, if one is mentioned. In the reference list, the exact date of publication is noted from the newspaper.
1. Paukku H. Tekoäly voi muokata verkkokuvaasi niin, että näytät yhä kivemmalta ja fiksummalta. Helsingin Sanomat. [Internet]. 10.05.2022 [cited 2023 Seb 19]. Available from:
Electronic sources can be openly available to everyone or publications for which the library has purchased the reading right. Materials found in the library's purchased databases are logged in with KamIT credentials.
Electronic sources are generally referred to in the same way as printed ones.
Electronic Sources in the Reference List
Links to electronic sources are marked at the end of the reference list entry without a period. The information "Available from:" is marked in front of the link. If it is a website, the content of which can change, the reference date is marked in square brackets. If the publication has a permanent address, e.g. a DOI or URN address, no date is needed. The web address is not activated.
If the material is in a database and/or use requires a separate login, the permanent address of the publication or the path to the database from which the publication was taken is indicated.
Examples of reference list entries for articles found in the database
1. May S, Bruch D, Gehlhaar A, Linderkamp F, Stahlhut K, Heinze M, Allsop M, Muehlensiepen F. Digital technologies in routine palliative care delivery: an exploratory qualitative study with health care professionals in Germany. BMC Health Services Research [Internet]. 2022;22(1),1516. Available from:
2. Winger A, Früh EA, Holmen H, Kvarme LG, Lee A, Lorentsen VB, Misvær N, Riiser K, Steindal SA. Making room for life and death at the same time - a qualitative study of health and social care professionals’ understanding and use of the concept of paediatric palliative care. BMC Palliative Care [Internet]. 2022;21(1),1–11. Available from:
If the source is on an open network, the most accurate www address is selected as the link, from which the used source opens directly. If a permanent address is found for the source, it is used. If the year of publication is not found, the point in question is omitted and only the referenced date is used. The cited date is not used if the publication has a permanent address. The www address is not activated.
Examples of an open online source in the reference list
1. Kulttuurimatkailu. Business Finland. [Internet]. [cited 2023 Seb 19]. Available from:
2. Alueiden kehittäminen. Kuntaliitto. [Internet]. 2022. [cited 2024 Jun 7]. Available from:
If the source is available, for example, in the intra of the organization, this information is entered in square brackets in the list of references, and then the web address of the source is not entered.
1. Keränen T. KAMKin viestintä. [Intranet]. [cited 2023 Jan 3].
Viite opinnäytteeseen muodostetaan viittauksen järjestysnumerosta ja sivunumerosta. Jos viitataan koko teokseen, ei sivunumeroa tarvita. The in-text citation to the thesis is formed from the sequence number and page number of the reference. If referring to the entire work, no page number is needed.
[1, p.15]
In the reference list, the author's last name, initial of the first name, and the name of the thesis are entered. An entry about the thesis and the university is placed at the end of the reference list before the possible www address. If the thesis has been published in a series of publications, the name of the series of publications and the publisher's information are entered as usual.
1. Korhonen E, Mannerjärvi I. Henkilökohtainen asiakaspalvelu ja palvelupolku Vuokatissa. [UAS Thesis]. Kajaanin ammattikorkeakoulu; 2018. Available from:
2. Kari J. Hyvä opettaja: luokanopettajaopiskelijat liikuntakokemustensa ja opettajuutensa tulkitsijoina. [Dissertation]. Studies in sport, physical education and health 233. Jyväskylän yliopisto; 2016. Available from:
The reference list is formed as follows. Law or regulation number. Name of law or regulation. Year. Address
1. L 2018/1050. Tietosuojalaki. 2018. Available from:
2. A 2014/1129. Valtioneuvoston asetus ammattikorkeakoululaista. 2014. Available from:
The reference list entry is formed as follows. Standard/card number. Title. Issuer of the card/standard. Year. Address
1. SFS-ISO 21502. Projektin-, ohjelman- ja salkunhallinta. Ohjeita projektinhallintaan. Suomen standardisoimisliitto. 2021. Available from:
2. PSK 2702. Kuumasinkittyjen teräsrakenteiden hankinta ja maalaus. PSK Standardisointi. 2008. Available from:
3. Ratu KI-6034. Rakennushankkeen työturvallisuus. Ratu-kortisto. Rakennustieto. 2019.
The reference list entry is formed as follows. Author/Organisation. Title [Source Type]. Year [referenced-date]. Address
1. Tilastokeskus. Ulkomaan kansalaiset [Statistic]. 2020 [cited 2023 Seb 19]. Available from:
Some databases, such as StatFin, Sotkanet and Luonnonvarakeskus, enable the selection of different types of variables for statistical summaries. In this case, mark the selected variables in the list of sources after the type of source.
2. Tilastokeskus. Hotellien kuukausittainen kapasiteetti ja yöpymiset kunnittain [Statistic]. Valitut muuttujat: kotimaiset yöpymiset, ulkomaiset yöpymiset, 2021–2022, Kuopio. 2020 [cited 2023 Seb 19]. Available from: /tableViewLayout1/
Expert Lecture
1. Jokinen R. Key concepts of information search [Lecture recording]. Kajaani University of Applied Sciences. 2017 Dec 23.
2. Jäntti M. Digital Afternoon: Digital solutions for forestry [Webinar]. Kajaani University of Applied Sciences. Youtube. 2022 [cited 2023 Seb 19]. Available from:
For personal communication, e.g. (telephone conversation, letter, e-mail, interview)
1. Alasalmi K. Specialist nurse. [E-mail]. 2018 Aug 1.
The reference list entry is formed as follows. Author. The name of the podcast episode. [Source Type]. The name of the podcast. Platform where the podcast is available. Podcast release date [referenced-date]. Address
1. Lundberg T. Good emotional skills help children and adults in life! [Podcast]. Tiina Lundberg service station. Yle Areena. 2023 Seb 3. [cited 2023 Jan 4]. Available from:
In general, social media publications are marked with Author Information. Publication name. [Source Type]. Platform. Publication date [cited-date]. Web address
In the reference list, use the first sentence as the title of the Facebook post.
1. Fact bar. Fact Check: Bras Don't Cause Cancer - Why Are Google Search Results Still Saying That? [Facebook update]. Facebook. 2023 Seb 30. [cited 2023 Apr 1]. Available from:
In the reference list, use the first sentence of the text of the Instagram photo as the title.
2. NASA. We found “buried treasure,” and the Cosmic Cliffs mark the spot [Instagram photo]. Instagram. 2022 Dec 15. [cited 2023 Apr 1]. Available from:
In the reference list markings of tweets, the author of the tweet is indicated and the author's first name is placed in square brackets. The title is the first sentence of the tweet, after which the publication type is marked in square brackets.
3. Olympic Committee [@olympiakomitea]. A high school diploma alongside the matriculation exam would promote the learning of exercise and sports in high school education and would support the conditions for a young person on the path to becoming a top athlete to complete high school studies and develop as an athlete [Tweet]. Twitter. 2022 Dec 21. [cited 2023 Jan 5]. Available from:
Discussion Forum
In the reference list markings of discussion forum messages, the author of the comment is marked and the author's name is placed in square brackets. The title is the first sentence of the message, after which the type of publication is marked in square brackets.
4. Gates B. [thisisbillgates]. Philanthropy is small as a part of the overall economy so it can't do things like fund health care or education for everyone. [Forum comment]. Reddit. 2017 Feb 27. [cited 2023 Oct 24]. Available at:
The reference list entry for a video game, application and program is formed as follows. Developer/Developer team. Game or program name. [Type]. Publication year. Publisher.
1. Larian Studios. Baldur's Gate 3. [Video Game]. 2023. Larian Studios.
2. Fox T. Undertale. [Video Game]. 2015. Toby Fox.
If the video game, application or program is available on the open web, the referenced date and the link should be added.
3. Vollmer A, Wohlwend G. Threes. [Mobile Game]. 2014. Sirvo. [cited 2023 Oct 24]. Available from:
4. Xero. Xero practice manager. [Computer Software]. 2019. Xero Limited. [cited 2023 Oct 24]. Available from:
If the version number of a video game, application or program is relevant, it is added to the source list entry in brackets after the name as follows.
5. Athenahealth. Epocrates (version 19.10.1). [Mobile Application]. 2019. Athenahealth.
If you want to refer to a file or repository on the open network, the source list entry is created as follows.
6. Martins H. [@caramelomartins]. Awesome Linters. [GitHub-Repository]. GitHub. [cited 2023 Oct 19]. Available from:
Sometimes there is a need to present formulas or program code in theses. They often tell about the operation much better and more unambiguously than ordinary text.
Formulas are numbered separately consecutively from the beginning to the end of the thesis. The number of the formula is indicated in brackets on the right side of the formula. Formulas and explanatory symbols are indented so that all formulas and lists of explanatory symbols start at the same place.
The roof snow load s is determined by the formula [1, p. 9] as follows:
µi is the shape factor of the snow load
sk is the characteristic value of the snow load on the ground
Ce is the wind protection factor (1.0 or 0.8)
Ct is the thermal factor, which usually has a value of 1.0
When the aforementioned formula is referred to later in the text of the thesis, its number is referred to. For example as follows:
"Looking at formula (1) for roof snow load..."
In the list of references, for example, the source of the formula above is marked as follows:
1. SFS-EN 16508. Temporary structures. Weather protection. Functional requirements and overall design. Finnish Standardization Association. 2015. Available from:
Program Code
When the length of the program code is less than 10 lines, it can be represented as formulas:
If the code is longer than 10 lines, but less than a page long, the program code is presented as in the picture (Program 1), under the title "Program". It will be numbered like the pictures, but separately. Program codes longer than a page are presented in the appendices. Reserved words, such as for, if and return, are preferably shown in bold in program code, but they are not bold in plain text.
It's good to add a few comments to the code and indent it consistently. The operation of the code is always also explained in the main outline in the running text, and in this case the line numbers make it much easier to refer to the code. A few key points about the code are mainly presented: "Program 1. shows the operation of the ordering algorithm. The parameters are a table of letter pairs and the size of the table (line 1). The algorithm has 2 nested for-loops (lines 6 and 11) in which the table is reviewed, so the time consumption is in the category Ɵ(n2). After each round of the outer loop, there is the i smallest element in the correct order. The mutual order of elements of the same size remains unchanged."
Program 1. An example of presenting the program code as in the picture.
If you refer to program code made by someone else, it should be marked as follows. If possible, references to the program code should always be made at the line level to achieve the necessary precision.
In the text:
"Smith's source code [2, lines 17-19] uses..."
In the reference list:
2. Smith J. GraphicsDrawer source code (version 2.0). [Source Code]. 2011. [cited 2024 Feb 24] Available from:
The instructions related to the program code have been partially adapted from the University of Tampere's thesis writing instructions in the field of technology [1, pp. 33–35].
1. Updater. Opinnäytetyön kirjoitusohje tekniikan alalla. Tekniikan kandidaatintyön ja diplomityön kirjoittaminen. [Diploma thesis writing instructions]. University of Tampere; 2019. [cited 2024 Feb 27]. Available from:
From the YouTube video, the running number of the text reference and the time stamp with an accuracy of one second are entered to in-text reference in square brackets:
Saarinen is interviewed on video [1, 01:10:28–01:12:52] about the first half of his lecture.
The Slush event logo appears in video [2, 00:01:29–00:01:38] for about 9 seconds.
The creator of the YouTube recording is marked if the creator can be found. If the creator of the video is not found, the uploader will be marked in place of the creator. The publication time is the date of the webinar. After the name of the video, put the format of the recording [Video] in brackets and then the name of the youtube channel if it is different from the uploader and the platform. Followed by [referenced-date] and web address.
1. Saarinen E. Paras versio itsestäsi [Video]. Aalto University. Youtube. 2019 Mar 1. [cited 12020 Feb 12]. Available from:
2. Slush. The Slush 2019 Aftermovie [Video]. Youtube. 2019 Dec 12. [cited 2020 Feb 12]. Available from:
DOI (digital object identifier) is a permanent identifier introduced in 2000 for electronic documents, texts, images, sound, videos and software. The DOI identifier works in the same way as the URN in URI identifiers, that is, it refers to a specific document regardless of the address, unlike URLs, which refer to a specific location.
Example of a DOI identifier: DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-15220-8_18
You can find the article's information by entering the DOI identifier in the search on
The URN identifier is a unique and permanent identifier of an online publication. The URN given to the document does not change if the identity and name of the publication remain the same. The URN is only changed if the content changes significantly. The same ID is never given to another publication. A URN-based identifier is given only to digital documents.
The National Library's URN register functions as a decentralized service between Finnish universities and other permanent organizations. Currently, the National Library does not offer URN services to small publishers, publishers or individuals.
Example of a URN: URN:ISBN:952-10-0556-4
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